Letting Go of Struggle
Purchase the Frequency Recording (MP4
length 33 mins.) and extended MP3 version
(length 2 h 22 mins). Download only.
With this recording Elke removes all frequencies and energies within you that result in struggle and all perceptions related to it.
At the same time she brings in energies and frequencies, that assist to you to heal all the perceptions of 'not good enough', 'not worthy' etc. and everything else that creates this perceived reality of having to struggle within and throughout your life.
The recording features beneficial Angelic, Universal and other frequencies and tones that are additionally layered with powerful energy work.
This recording is part of Living from the Heart Volume 2. Save 40% compared to purchasing as a single track.
Personal Use Only
Price Only $15.00
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.
Letting Go of Struggle
It seems there is always something that at any given time we are struggling with. Be it our health, finances, relationships, or whatever the case may be. It often seems like that as soon as life starts to become somewhat enjoyable and we start to see things go into the direction that our mind can agree with, something will happen to take us out of our comfort zone yet again.
The figurative rug is pulled under our feet, especially when we are not looking. This has us become even more cautious and always trying to have our backs covered, trying to figure out what could be the worst case and then prepare for that.
Have you ever wondered why this is happening and why life seems to be a constant struggle, not matter what you do and no matter how positive you think and how good of a person you try to be?
Again, it boils down to the fact that in our society the mind is considered the one who creates, and it is considered the most powerful force there is for and within humanity.
It boils down to the fact that the mind wants to be in control of everything, judges everything to be a certain way, doesn’t want change, doesn’t want to leave its comfort zone, wants everything to be a certain way and all the attachment that goes with the above.
Because in reality, there is no struggle – struggle in its entirety is a construct of the mind.
Struggle is the opposite of going with the flow, going with what is, knowing that everything is happening FOR you and not to you and seeing things for what they are.
We didn’t come here to live our lives within the confines of the mind, ego and their constructs. We came here to enjoy, to express and to create within a physical universe.
Letting go of struggle truly means to leave the confinements of the mind and dive into the grandness and magnificence of who your truly are.
Struggle in reality is just another way of your higher self trying to get your attention. To remind you that you didn’t come here to just get by and live another lifetime of mediocrity.
You came here to embody all of who you are, to shine your light, express, create and expand beyond anything the mind could ever fathom or perceive.

Every time we perceive that life is a struggle it is just a reminder to get out of your mind and into your heart, so you can see the things for what they are.
Struggle really is the perception of having to have it one’s way or a certain way, which equals having it the mind’s or more accurately the ego’s way.
As we are living in a world with 7 billion other creators incarnate there is no way that everyone can have it the way their ego wants it to be, meaning there is always someone or something that has to suffer as long as the mind is having its way.
This is why we want to change it from wanting to have it the ego’s way, to surrendering the ego’s will to All of Yourself, meaning you higher levels and the Universe. Which means that everything will always happen for the highest good of EVERYONE concerned.
Your guides, higher levels and all of the Universe are always working to bring you the things that are most complementary for you, if you let them. But sometimes this means that it can take longer than you wish it to be, because there always are others involved.
Letting Go of struggle really means to let go of all expectations, attachment and wanting things to be a certain way. It means going with the flow and knowing that things will work out for the greatest good of all concerned, even if that may not always look like you want it to look like.
Yet if we would just take a step back and look at the situation at hand from an overview, then it all makes perfect sense, as it on the long run will lead you down the exact path you are meant to walk on.
Wanting it to be your way (meaning the ego’s way) just keeps you struggling and avoiding a path that you are meant to go down sooner or later anyways.
The path that you as your higher self have determined to be the best way to get you where you want and need to be, to experience what you came here to experience. And most importantly to become who you came here to become.
Creator Incarnate, walking this planet as a fully integrated being. Creator enjoying its creation, expressing, playing, creating and expanding on itself.

Letting Go of Struggle
Purchase the Frequency Recording (MP4
length 33 mins.) and extended MP3 version
(length 2 h 22 mins). Download only.
With this recording Elke removes all frequencies and energies within you that result in struggle and all perceptions related to it.
At the same time she brings in energies and frequencies, that assist to you to heal all the perceptions of 'not good enough', 'not worthy' etc. and everything else that creates this perceived reality of having to struggle within and throughout your life.
The recording features beneficial Angelic, Universal and other frequencies and tones that are additionally layered with powerful energy work.
This recording is part of Living from the Heart Volume 2. Save 40% compared to purchasing as a single track.
Personal Use Only
Price Only $15.00
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.