- in Abundance

Releasing Resistance
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 3. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
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Releasing Resistance
Resistance is the true epitome of the last few themes we had in this series.
In a sense it is a coming together of not wanting to feel guilty, being rejected. It very often includes doubt, self sabotage, not wanting to let go of attachment and sometimes a few other things mixed in as well.
The good news is, that if you have diligently worked to release the above and let go of it, it should be much easier for you now to release resistance, and see it for what it is. By now it should be merely an expression of the mind/ego’s fear of the unknown and its urge to stay within everything that it knows and is comfortable with.
And as always, these issues have been accumulated and built up during your whole life and sometimes during many past lives. This is why this is a process and not a race. It is nothing to feel bad about, it just is what it is.
Very often there are so many layers of something that it will take its time to unravel all of them. And you will let go of them when you are ready to do so.
Because of this and to make this process quicker and easier I have and will continue to create these recordings, but they usually address one layer at a time, so it is highly recommended to listen to them for an extended period of time or come back to it when you feel called to, especially if you have a lot of layers to let go of in a specific area.
Going back to releasing resistance, I will be using myself as an example once more.
When I started this work to create recordings I imagined myself silently producing these, staying in the background - hiding, as I have been all of my life and let the others that want to, do the speaking, writing, one on one’s, interviews etc. Things that they obviously enjoy a lot.
There are so many that are doing this, my mind pointed out, that I don’t need to be one of many, especially as I never had an interest to become widely known or speak in public.
I have a lot of resistance with regards to the above and guess what? All of this is what it turns out I am asked to do by my higher levels and my entourage, as they are bringing more and more opportunities and open doors in this area in front of me.
I realized very quickly that the areas where we have the most resistance in, are the areas we are meant to be walking towards, even if to the mind this is totally crazy.
Why would anybody want to listen to us, says my mind. Right???
And this is where most people give in to their mind and don’t even bother to walk into the direction their heart shows them, towards what very often will be the life of their dreams
In most cases the things your higher levels and the universe want you to do and bring into manifestation, are the ones you have the most resistance against, and very often the things the mind has the biggest problems with.
The mind tells us things like - we are not worthy, not good looking enough, not professional enough, that we don’t have to say anything important and the list goes on and on and on.
The more you start to entertain these thoughts the quicker you will give in to the mind and into your resistance, and do nothing.
The mind will try to tell you what you could lose, how you will be ridiculed, laughed at, not taken seriously or even hated and that it is much safer to stay where you are and to keep doing what you are doing, so you can survive and not stand out.
Guess what…
We all came here to stand out one way or another, to contribute our unique talents to complement the whole and most importantly to immensely enjoy ourselves along the journey, to play, create and have fun together.
So, whenever you feel resistance coming up, you can of course play the recording that I have created addressing this, to make it easier. Take a step back into your presence and look at it from an overview.
Look at where this resistance is coming from and what you are afraid of. More often than not, it is mainly the fear of the unknown and the fear of being judged.
You will always be judged by someone, so this is not a valid argument. The fear of the unknown is the mind wanting to keep you safe, so we can toss that aside as well.
So… What is really holding you back???

Releasing Resistance
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 3. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
Personal Use Only
Price Only $11.11
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.