- in Abundance

Removing Clutter
Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 1. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
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Price $11.11
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Removing Mental Clutter
The original title of the frequency recording and this Insight was – Removing Mental and Physical Clutter, but we changed it to just Mental Clutter.
And many of you may ask why?
Have you ever cleaned up your basement, thrown out a ton of stuff, cleaned out the attic or maybe just a closet and just a short time later, there seems to be as much, if not more stuff back there?
Many try to clean up their physical surroundings in hopes that magically their mental clutter will be gone as well. It is quite the contrary actually.
The truth and the reality is, that when you start to clean up your mental clutter, the never ending thoughts, the overwhelm, never being able to finish up anything etc., your physical world will follow suit.
When you remove everything that no longer serves you mentally and spiritually, then you will automatically start to clean up your physical surroundings.
Clutter, very often, is just an expression of not being and living in the now moment.
It is a sign of giving away part of your consciousness to material possessions, that you perceive to be important to you for a certain reason or because of a certain event, that might either have happened in the past or will happen in the future.
Keeping something just because you might need it again in the unforeseeable future and chances are that you will never need it again, or when you need it, you won’t find it in all the clutter, is a sign of not fully trusting in the Universe. Not trusting that it will provide you with a similar or better item when the time comes.
Very often these possessions are also used to fill a void within you, a void that only truly can be filled with yourself, with your own presence, your own magnificent beingness.
Can you see that physical clutter really comes from the inside? Therefore, if you remove your internal clutter the outside world will follow suit.
By giving material things a meaning, by attaching yourself to them – as a status symbol, as a means to remember, as a symbol of your success or worthiness, you are giving those things power and control over yourself.
So, the first step to remove the internal clutter would be to start feeling your presence and embodying it. Feeling your presence takes you right into the here and now. It takes you out of your head and brings you back into the Now moment. The only moment that truly matters and that truly is real.
Everything you can do, you can only do in the now. Start with being present, feel into how YOU truly feel and what is truly yours. Let go of everything that is not yours and begin to pull yourself out of mass consciousness, the mass thought-forms and mass belief systems.
Very often, the thoughts we have aren’t even truly ours. They are thoughts that we have picked up from others or mass consciousness and we perceive them to be ours.
Start to feel your presence as often as possible and then start becoming aware of your thoughts and thought processes. Watch them with curiosity and very neutral, not engaging with them. Very quickly the thoughts that are not yours (which are most thoughts you have) will simply go poof…
Don’t give them any meaning and attach any emotions to them. This in and itself will help you to find out what is really you and what is not.
If you do this on a consistent basis, you will quickly see your mental clutter vanish, the overwhelm will start to be non-existent.
Nothing will be able to take you out of the now moment. The moment, you can and will do your best – and that is always enough. The moment where you can re-decide what is true about you and what you command to be your reality.
After you have mastered this you can even go a step further. You can start to play with letting go of any emotional attachment to your physical surroundings.
Pick any item that you are attached to in your home and really ask yourself. What is it that is giving this item all this power over me? Listen to the story your mind will tell you, feel the emotions attached to it and then re-decide.
By feeling all of this and then deciding that it is not true for you any more, that you are a multi-dimensional being that can easily go back and re-experience the memory that you are trying to preserve with this item. Or that you can easily re-create this if you would ever need it again, if it is an item that you are keeping, just because you might need it again in a few years…
This step will start to move all the consciousness and the power that you are giving away back to where it truly belongs – to you.
The recording I have created will help you to let go of mental clutter in a much easier way and much quicker than it would be without it.
But you still have to be aware of what you are doing and where you are giving your power away or not staying in the now moment.
Play with all of this and start to feel the freedom that lies within letting go of all the clutter. And a wonderful side benefit of removing the clutter is, that you will have more space to truly receive the abundance of the whole Universe.

Purchase the Video and Audio of the Frequency Recording (MP4 and MP3 Download - length 33 minutes)
This is part of Abundance Series Volume 1. (Save $$ when you buy the bundle)
Personal Use Only
Price $11.11
Please be aware that you are paying for a downloadable product. There will be no physical CD or DVD delivered to you. Immediately after your payment you will be redirected to your download page and an email with the link to the download page will be sent out to your payment email address. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive this email.